House of Toast announced the release of the worlds first Toastumentary at a press conference in their new Atlanta headquarters. This mini-film is a slightly elongated version of a yet to be released commercial and is being made available via the internet to House of Toast fans around the globe.
The Toastumentary features an assortment of House of Toast employees and was produced by Tom Porter and Patrick Arkins. The two collaborated for over 30 minutes on the project and the filming was completed in less that 1 hour. “Post-production was the real challenge”, said Porter, “the quality of the material was so good that it was hard to decide what to leave on the cutting room floor.” Arkins was quick to agree, saying that he never realized that there was so much talent at House of Toast. “I mean, I know we make the best damn toast in town but who could of known that our staff would have such great camera presence!”
Portions of the film will be incorporated into the company’s newest series of commercials which are scheduled to start airing on Super Bowl Sunday.